Ketterling Named Auto Value Counterperson of the Year

From left: Travis Ketterling, store counter sales representative, and Chris Ott, regional manager.
APH named Travis Ketterling as the recipient of the 2021 Auto Value Counterperson of the Year award. Ketterling is a counter sales representative at the Auto Value parts store in Bismarck, North Dakota. He was recognized during a virtual awards night at APH’s annual conference.
Each year, APH’s regional managers throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, Michigan and Wyoming have the opportunity to nominate an Auto Value counterperson they believe deserves the award.
Ketterling was nominated by Chris Ott, regional manager for the Auto Value stores located in North Dakota and Montana. Ott commented, “Travis has a great attitude, is very versatile and comes to work ready to go every day. He is also known by many local car collectors as the go-to person for hard-to-find parts and will do whatever it takes to say ‘yes’ to the customer.”
Ketterling has been a part of the Auto Value team since 2017, when APH acquired the Hedahls store in Bismarck. Prior to the acquisition, he was a member of the Hedahls team since 2005.
When not at work, Ketterling enjoys spending time with his family, attending car shows and dirt track races, and reading car magazines.